
12 years and counting!

It’s hard to believe it’s been 12 years already, but it has been. I realize that 12 years really isn’t a long time to be married, many people have been married for much longer than we have, but it still sounds like a big number to me.

IMG_6530It’s  been a wild ride, full of surprises, and full of fun. Ups and downs of course, but nothing we can’t tackle as a team. Here’s to many more years!


So sweet.

February is full of celebrating LOVE in our house. Not only is it Valentine’s day, but we also celebrate our wedding anniversary. There is just something so yummy about all the pink and reds during this time of the year. A true bright spot in the dreary part of winter.

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garden, holidays, photography, use what you have

Missing my Olloclip

I recently upgraded my phone, which has been amazing. Target was having this awesome deal awhile back where I ended up not just getting the new phone for free, but I actually pocketed $18! The only thing that I have been regretting about my lovely new phone is that my Olloclip no longer fit.

Withdrawals were happening, especially when the snow was so perfectly powdery. Fast forward to a few days ago, the Olloclip was finally remade to fit the 5c. I was talking to my husband about it (we always talk about purchases to each other), and he being a super genius found a way to make my old clip fit my new phone! I’m in heaven. I can take my macro photos once again (the absolute best part of the Olloclip).

Here is an upclose of a poinsettia. We’re still in holiday mode around here.

Poinsettia close up


Christmas well celebrated.

Oh the holidays, what a fun and crazy time. We get to celebrate a lot because we have multiple families to visit (3 dinners in total, sometimes 4). So while it’s always a lot of fun, it’s also a bit filling (oh the food, thank goodness for left overs) and a bit exhausting. I’m so glad that we have a bit of a break before we get back into the normal routine again.

This year I was part of a fun Secret Santa on a forum. My Santa rocked! Look at this amazing drawing of me with Baby! She even included my bunny hat. It’s beyond perfect:


I will be downloading some of our Christmas photos soon to share, but for now I think I am in a sugar coma that can only be solved by a walk in the snow covered forest (providing I can convince my husband to join me). How was your holiday? Do you have any special plans for New Years Eve?