garden, nature

Brutus was here.

We had a big snow storm over the weekend. The weather service named it Brutus. Luckily, we only got around 5 inches but other places got much more, some got a few feet. The bad news, our plants weren’t really ready yet. Leaves were still hanging around, and a lot of branches were weighed down. I’m pretty sure our rose bush might not recover in some spots. However, the snow on top of the fall colored leaves sure looked pretty.

What is the weather like where you are?

101 in 1001, nature

101 List: Visit the Aviary

On my birthday we visited the Tracy Aviary. It was a very hot day, probably not the best time to visit due to the heat, but it sure was fun to see the birds! They even have a lot of flamingos, and one of the most adorable owls ever! They also have some very unique birds. I really should have taken my proper camera (next time).

My husband took our SLR and captured a lot of really amazing close ups. Of course, they are all on his computer and are very large (he always shoots in RAW format) and therefore not very blog friendly (yet, I’m working on it).

It feels good to cross off another 101 item! I was looking over the list and due to health concerns there are a lot of things that likely won’t be crossed off before the deadline, but I am still working on the ones that we can accomplish!

Have you ever been to an aviary?

garden, nature, photography

Lately in the garden.

Once again my OlloClip helped me snap some gorgeous photos from our garden (yes, all taken with the iPhone). And now that my husband also has one (for his birthday), you can imagine that we are going to be having even more fun taking photos.

One of my favorite things about gardening is seeing all the little things, like this Ladybug who was quiet a good model. And the small details on flowers, or the way grape vines twist and turn. The garden is a magical place.