Looking at your spending as a year, instead of just a month, can really be eye opening! Things that sound small monthly can really add up. Luckily it’s easy to cut and save a lot of money. When we looked at our spending on the following items, we figured out that we could save over $2000 a year without much trouble. Here is what we did:
1. Change your phone plan. We used to pay about $135 a month for our cell phone plans. That adds up over the course of the year ($1620)! Now we pay $25 a month, for both of us, thanks to Ting. Now we just pay for what we use based on their tiered pricing. We now pay just $300 a year, that’s a savings of $1320 a year!
2. Cut your cable. This one was a bit harder for us, but with streaming options from NetFlix and Amazon, and the use of HDTV Antennas, it was really a no brainer. We cut out our cable and switched to an internet only service. Our cable bill even without premium channels had a yearly cost of $2940! We now pay $60 a month, for a total of $720 a year, that’s a savings of $2220 a year!
3. Try Ooma for your phone service. This one only saved us a little bit, at $360 a year, but that’s a nice bonus for simply changing our home phone service. All you have to do is buy the base, and pay taxes if you go with the free service (for us about $5 a month). They do offer more services with their premium plan, but chances are you don’t need them.
I’d love to hear about simple ways you have found to cut back on spending too, so please be sure to leave your tips in the comments!