Recently I discovered that my routine is seriously lacking in the muscle building department. Give me a couple hours of African dance and I can shake my booty with energy to spare! Try to do a pushup however, and I am at a total loss. So with that in mind I am going to do a “Plank-a-Day” challenge this month to try to build my core muscles.
Basically the challenge is exactly what it sounds like. One plank, each day, for as long as you can hold it. I did my first one last night and got near a minute.
Please note, I am not talking about this kind of plank (pretty sure I could hold this for much longer):
There is a great description on how to do a plank here (they also have videos on the site which are worth a look if you haven’t done the move before). It’s not the same as doing one in yoga practice where you are on your hands, but rather you rest your arms on the floor. There are even variations when it becomes easier.
Are you in? It would be fun to have lots of people doing it this month too!