It’s hard to believe another year has almost come to a close. And yet, here we are, just days away from 2015. I’ve been thinking of my word for the year, I really enjoy the tradition of picking just one word instead of a list of overwhelming goals. Haven’t decided on one just yet though.
This year was kind of hard because we were both sick off and on for most of December. Luckily there were moments of wellness that led to important cooking. Behold the mess:
And most importantly, the cookies. These are the recipe my grandma used to make. They will always and forever be her cookies. We made a special batch this year to send to my aunt and uncle in Seattle, and to give to my mom, and since it makes several dozen, we had quiet a few to enjoy too.
Baby is always festive, even when it’s just using a fun app. Have you tried the Lil Bub app? It was free and had all kinds of cute and fun Christmas goodies to add to your photos. I tried to add Bub in too but it didn’t work out.

And last, but not least, my mom and I spent the day recreating something we made when I was a kid. The star cookie tree! Luckily this time it worked out much better than other times we have tried it. The cookies were great too (this recipe also made a lot of dough, so we had a lot of extra stars to decorate). We had the kit but had lost it, luckily there is Amazon, which has just about everything you could think of! Yes, they had the kit (and for such a good deal too).